“You are the first person in the medical profession that I trust for my son. Dr. Morris is the first doctor to tie my son’s issues together as opposed to seeing them separately.”
- Bari, Maplewood, NJ

“Dr. Mark Morris is that rare healer, a physician in the truest and noblest sense of the word.”
- Lisa, New York, NY

“Dr. Morris changed my daughter’s future.”
- Gail, Towaco, NJ

“I started seeing Dr Morris after having had a concussion for a few years and had visited with 10+ doctors including an upper cervical chiropractor. At the time I was sleeping in a sitting position because I could not lie horizontally to sleep. My fatigue was extreme. In a few months after seeing Dr Morris, I was sleeping flat. Dr Morris is saving my life and bringing me back to being a normal person again. I have been disabled, but I believe with his continuous manipulation therapy, combined with deep knowledge of the mind and stress, he integrates his therapy to address the mind-body connection. It has been a journey for me, having pain and pressure in my head, combined with shoulders and back spasms. I used to have dizziness and jaw pain as well. He has performed cranial osteopathy as well. Dr Morris has taught me how to perform basic osteopathic exercises so I can relieve my symptoms at home, and not take pain medications or sedatives.
I hope Dr Morris is able to teach his method to many younger DOs.”

- Helen Summit, NJ

"When I first brought my son to Dr. Morris’ office he was 11 months old, and for more than 7 months we had been told by our pediatrician, that eventually his plagiocephaly would straighten itself out when he would become more physically active, and less on his back. But despite all our efforts like regular tummy time, alternating sleep positions, and even as he learned to roll over, scoot, and crawl, the deformity in his head remained unchanged.

After researching the different possibilities to treat the so called Flat-Head-Syndrome I was not convinced of the conventional methods for infants like a DOC band or a helmet, so when I learned about Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, I was very interested, as this seemed to be an approach that would help my son’s body to heal itself. 

I found Dr. Morris’ website through my research and made an appointment right away, for he seemed to be the only Cranial Osteopath in Northern NJ. My first visit lasted 3 hours in which he not only examined my baby, he also interacted with him in a unique, and very personal way. Upon completion of a thorough exam, we found my son’s plagiocephaly to be the result of an undiagnosed torticollis, that did not only lead to the deformity in his head but also to a twisting in his upper body, a condition that Dr. Morris has treated successfully over several months and with visible results.

Dr. Morris is a doctor like I have never seen one before. His ability to perceive in his patients the symbiosis of body and mind, and to respond to the very individual needs for treatment arising from this have fascinated me all along. As a young mother, I was initially apprehensive about my son’s treatment and instead found both myself and my son calm and trusting in Dr. Morris’s abilities. The contact between him and my child before, during, and after each treatment was truly remarkable.  I would encourage every mother to research the best available care for their children and can recommend Dr. Mark Morris unhesitatingly as an outstanding physician based on our experience in his care." 

“His goal is not to keep you coming back, but to awaken “the inner physician” in each of us and make the need for his services obsolete.”
- Stuart, Livingston, NJ

“I can only say that Dr. Morris has given me a new lease on life.”
- Mary E. Ho, RN, FCP, Wharton, NJ

"Dr. Morris has successfully treated my son’s plagiocephaly and torticollis and with visible results.  Thank you Dr. Morris, for changing my son’s life.  Dr. Morris has the ability to perceive in his patients the symbiosis of body and mind and to respond to the very individual needs for treatment arising form this. Thank you, Dr. Morris, for changing my son’s life with what you did for him and my family.”
- Kristina, Glen Rock, NJ

“In my single visit with Dr. Morris, I immediately saw improvement in a structural problem I’ve had for decades.”
- Katherine, Tempe, AZ

"Without a doubt, Dr. Morris changed my life. He did not give up on thinking I could get better, and was admirably patient and understanding all of the times I did. He cared enough to think critically about my health and provided an endless supply of possible ways to help. He gave me some hope in an otherwise hopeless time. My pain management doctor referred me to him as a 'doctor of last resort,' but I truly hope others find him sooner. I don't think they'll regret it."
- Julie, Washington, DC